
WyspArt Foundation - Completion of the KIK project, i.e. the Krakow Incubator of Culture


Completion of the KIK project, i.e. the Krakow Incubator of Culture

We have completed the implementation of a project addressed mainly to the inhabitants of the Krakow district - young people up to 25 years of age and seniors, rural and rural-urban areas. Its aim was to strengthen the position and increase the effectiveness of local leaders taking action for their communities and young non-governmental organizations. During the recruitment process, 10 initiatives and up to 20 leaders were selected - people with the concept of acting for the local environment and demonstrating experience in social activities or leadership predispositions. In accordance with the assumptions of the NOWEFIO 2022 regulations, we prioritized the beneficiaries' ideas for mini-tasks in two areas: ecological education activities and supporting activities for sustainable development.


The project was financed by the National Freedom Institute - Center for the Development of Civil Society as part of the Government Program Civic Initiatives Fund NOWEFIO for 2021-2030




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